Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sooo...Halloween eh?

Let's just say I've had enough. Yes, I'm THAT girl - sucking the joy out of such a fun little holiday. 


Maybe if I had kids who were excited about it or I was super skinny and could dress like a hooker I would be more excited?? Either way, I don't see either happening ever anytime soon.

So...things of note this this week so far:

 - Jenn's Jocks still kicking arse and taking names in the ole fantasy football arena at work, lovinnn that!

- Work BBQ tomorrow, fall themed - free drinks, yummy food, socializing with clients. I think I get my free drink card back this year after having to take it easy last year. Let's just say I was a little "overzealous" the first year we did this and maybe a little too social. 

- I love my sister in law for constantly sending me pictures of these little chunks - can't wait to see them for Thanksgiving, it's not fair I don't live in walking distance from themmmm.

- This little gem, came at exactly the right time today via one of my 2309483 daily self help emails. :) 

"I believe happiness is the complete mindful attention and bliss found in the present moment; the present moment is beautiful and fundamentally perfect. Therefore, one must choose to be happy right now in the present, because this is all that exists."

Alrighty, looking forward to laundry, catching up on Tuesday night TV and RELAXING tonight. Knowing my luck they will ALLL be Halloween related. Ugh.


  1. Enjoy your evening! I am stuck at home with the grouchy toddler who is too young to trick or treat if it is any consolation :)

    1. Awww - toddler's don't get grouchy?? Do they?? :)

  2. I was asleep on the couch by 8:30 p.m. I like Halloween, but I was a total H'ween party pooper this year.

    1. I wish I was sleeping by 8:30 but had to catch up on all the shows I missed when I was out Tuesday night. :)
