Wednesday, November 14, 2012

And I'll say it again - SOO whattt...

So what if have a problem mild obsession with Il Forno and their DELICIOUSLY calorie ridden lunch specials and am borderline bullying people into going with me.

So what if I had a code red meltdown leaving trivia last night after the bill said 10 8 Strongbows I consumed. In all fairness we were there for 6 hours, totally valid amount of alcohol to time ratio, stop judging.

So what if focusing at work this week seems to be harder than stopping at 2 Strongbows at trivia. That is quite a statement ladies and gentleman, let it sink in.

So what if I ignore the bitchy signs posted about making more coffee if the following 12 conditions are met because it seems like every time I go over to get some - SOMEONE leaves 3 teaspoons of coffee in the pot so they can win the laziest most annoying person award. Don't make me install a camera so that I can personally call you out for being LAZY. 

So what if I had breakfast and then got to work and decided to partake in the 4 boxes of hot Krispy Kreme's on the counter. Who the hell keeps doing this. (I said 4 boxes like I had eaten 4 boxes, let's be clear, I ate ONE, I do have SOME self control) The bullying about lunch may or may not have occurred during the time I was eating my Krispy Kreme immediately after my breakfast, just to keep things in perspective.

So what if my library books are like 12 years overdue and I can see the library from my window at work. Seriously, how ridiculous am I. 

So What Wednesday


  1. I cannot resist a good krispy kreme either!

  2. Haha I love your coffee comment. Why are people so dang lazy at work. It drives me up the wall!!! Were these people raised in the barn by wolves??

    Stopping by from the link up to say hi :)

    1. I'll totally subscribe to the raised in the barn by wolves theory. Thanks for stopping by. :)
