Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Target and other short stories...

Lunchtime Target trips, never good for the wallet but so good for the soullll. 

Needed to stop thinking about my lost planner everyday and just buy a new one (that included two extra months for the end of the year since we've moved on to 2013 already in the planner arena). Check that baby off the list, all is right in the world again.

Found a super cute black peacoat-ish. It was only $40 - fit great and was black. Those are basically my only requirements. I'm always freezing so I feel like I'm going to be calmer the next time the overzealous news guy let's me know a cold front is headin' in. No picture, I was having awkward moments getting alone time with the mirror and too rushed to actually deal with the dressing room attendant for a coat fitting.

I got a few Top Chef Healthy Choice Meals - Ravioli and Chicken is SOO good with about 1/2 cup of Parmesan cheese. Holla! Ain't no healthy choice anymore girlllll.

And decided to try some Luna Bars although I'll hate them and post this again in about a year when I decide to "give it a go" again. Dumb.

Also - was wandering through the men's sock aisle (I can't go to Target and not look at everything, the very reason I didn't have time to try the coat on in the dressing room) and found these!

I will be getting those for JM, he will NOT wear them and we'll probably have at the minimum 3 fights about why he doesn't love me enough to wear the socks I bought him. Totally nailed it!!

Yay for Target! 


  1. I am the same way with all protein bars...I want to like them sooo badly but I never do. Also, isn't walking up and down every single aisle at Target mandatory?! it is in my book!

    New follower here!

  2. Try the Smores Lunda bars, they're AMAZING!
