Monday, November 12, 2012

I normally don't HATE Monday's but...

I really have no reason valid reason to loathe today, but I do. I considered staying in bed and watching the Today show and quitting my job, but then thought I might get bored in the construction zone, although it's rumored that we'll have a fridge soon. Holla!

So this weekend was semi-productive and relaxing and lovely all at the same time. 

Let's be honest there may have been a mood swing or two in the mix. Quick tip, give up trying to control people. Oh - that's just me? 

Anyways - Friday night I "got ready" for a garage sale that one of my bestie's sister in law was having for "community yard sale day". I have a ton of stuff that I need to get rid of, mostly junk - mostly stuff that I just can't stomach moving ONE MORE TIME. So I thought - eh...why not. Let's see if I can make some fast cash. 

JM and I went and had a lovely dinner, picked up some stuff from the storage unit and then you know Friday night isn't complete without Gold Rush. ugh.

So I got up at 4:50 AM the next comment. This is how my Saturday went until 2ish - 

Lovely drive to Orlando - I generally don't see the sky look like that due to SLEEPING. All my junk on a table with ridiculously high prices and the "I drove all the way out here to sell a heart shaped tin for $0.25" notebook. I looked like the winner unless you look closer. I was clearly losing. 

Other things of note - Haitian women will not pay more than $1 for brand new shoes and they will be PISSED if you expect them to. 

Saturday evening, after a nap and lots of football on TV JM and I decided to go for a nice dinner. We were going to go see an improv show at the local wine bar and decided to leave because there were no seats together and the waitress CHASED. US. OUT. and legitimately didn't let us leave without a full on 4 minute conversation about how most people would just sit on the floor...

So we ended up at Harry's Old Place - besttttt place ever. 

I love going but dread the JM Peel and Eat Shrimp drama. See below.

Dear Lord I wish I would have taken time stamps before and after. He refuses to eat even ONE shrimp before he has them all prepped. Notice the progression. And if we know one thing about JM, speed is not his middle name. So every time I BEGGGG him to just eat ONEE before finishing and he never does.

Enter: Wine!

And then Sunday I was glued to NFL and Fantasy Football and I lost. Womp Womp. 

On that note, please let me wake up Tuesday with a deeper passion for being a contributing member to society.


  1. Oh those videos kill me. :) And thanks for the funny caption last week on Olive's photo. I couldn't decide between the two of you! You are FUNNY!!

  2. HAHA those videos killed me too! I was snickering watching it replay over and over and over. LOL
