Friday, November 9, 2012

Letters on a lovely Friday

Dear Vera Wang Scarf Thing that I got at Kohl's on the cheap, thank you for appearing under a pile of purses when I forgot that I had purchased you. Perfect day for some neck warmth. (PS that's me saying "I'm awesome" while taking the picture because I'm holding my award from last night's annual dinner.)

Dear Lunch, please get here. Yes. I JUST ate breakfast but I also drank wine last night and am starving today for some reason.

Dear Toasted Club from Chop Shop, in fact, it's you that I would like to see soon. (best club in the entire US of A, promise!)

Dear Self, way to keep it classy last night at the previously mentioned Annual Dinner for "Young Professionals" - niceeee.

Dear creepy gold angel named Sparkles that I found on my keyboard, what. the. hell. is. going. on?

And those are MY Friday's Letters - tootles and have an ever so lovely weekend.



  1. I love rediscovering things I purchased but forgot about! :)
    And chugging wine is the only way, girl!

    Happy Friday!

  2. Haha okay so much to say! 1) I love the scarf! And I love that it's getting to be scarf season again!! 2) I started counting down the hours til lunch right after I ate breakfast too... and I dont have the wine as an excuse but thats okay right? 3) Congrats on the award!! And 4) Love the wine picture. Pretty sure I've got quite a few of pictures that look identical to it.

    Aaand that's a wrap. Happy Friday! :)

  3. Hilarious! Love the wine guzzling and the creepy gold angel.
