Thursday, November 8, 2012

Contemplation Station

Things I'm contemplating at the moment, maybe if I get them out of my head I can start being productive with my day...

Getting coffee...I have to brave the breezeway and I'm just not feeling it. This florida girl is chilly in these 50 degree temperatures.

Which BENCH RB to pick up for Fantasy Football tonight to ensure I keep my first place spot in my work league. I can't lose to the 10th place team but due to bye weeks and injuries, it's not looking good. Can't decide. Must decide.

If I should make any other stops on my way to drop off my car payment today at lunch. (I'm well aware I'm probably the only person on the planet still "dropping off a car payment" and not paying it online)

What car I want to trade the 'ole Cal in for. And when? And where I should go to talk about a loan. 

Becoming a minimalist and joining Kelly for their community yard sale this weekend. Let's be honest, never been good at yard sales. I want to sell inappropriate things for way more than they are worth and it never ends well. 

A message center for the new house to hang on a wall that currently doesn't exist and probably won't for a few years. Glad I'm wasting my time on this one.

Running. All you blog biatches keep talking about it and I'm just not feeling it. I don't think I was blessed with the "runner's high" chemicals and it makes me hate life. I must start with something - even if it doesn't involve running. Let's go with PHYSICAL activity of some sort. 

1 comment:

  1. I am not a runner. Not not not. Never have been, never will be. I loathe it. I have to take classes somewhere so I have to be on time and it sort of forces me to go. I have to get back into the exercise routine! I do zumba and water aerobics and a smattering of other classes at the gym. Well, I should be doing those classes. You know what I mean.

    I wish I was handy, I would do all my own home reno work.
