Monday, November 5, 2012

Peace out to the Freakin' Weekend...

Friday was DINNER and RELAXATION as JM watched his shows about mining gold...everywhere. Under the sea, in the jungle, in Alaska - whatever. I'm on permanent Ambien so I just need 7.5 minutes and a soft pillow and I'm out like trout.

Saturday I did a little of the same thing but did start going through some of my clothes, I NEED TO DOWNSIZE and de-clutter and be able to find things I'm looking for. Between the construction zone and the piles and the bins and the bags of clothes, it's QUITE the nightmare. 

We were low key in preparation for the Wine & Dine event in Lake Wales at the Chalet. 

It was $50 - I probably could have spent my dolla dolla bills more effectively (especially since it wasn't even a charity event) but it was AMAZING outside and who doesn't like a cocktail and a lovely fall evening. So all in all, good times were had by all.

The rest of the story shall be for your eyesss...

Where we stayed.

What I wore.

New favorite nail polish color!

First Drink of the night - potato vodka and some kind of V8 juice - DELICIOUS! Cheers!

Jessica and I 

JM and I (...and his beads)

Sunday when we got home, most of the day was spent staring at my Fantasy Football page on the laptop and yelling at the TV. Damnit Percy Harvin, this isn't the week to have an OFF GAME. Oh and admiring these beauties, throwback Steeler uniforms. LOVE THEM!

Have a fantastic week!!

1 comment:

  1. Sick to death of the stupid Gold Rush and the old man crowing about glory holes. My husband watches it!

    Love the nail polish, what color?
