Wednesday, November 7, 2012

So what...

So what if I legitimately haven't cooked a meal in our new house yet, we've been there for 2 months now. My excuse - no FRIDGE, hello, who cooks with no fridge. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. But for real - legit, right?

So what if I have an attitude at work because they've asked me to do an invoice at an unplanned time and I needed to look up dry erase calendars on Pinterest?? COME ON MAN

So what if I have a Highlights calendar at work and take the time to do my monthly activities. October was the BOMB yo. 

So what if my jewelry holder was compromised during my move and most of my jewelry is on the floorboard of my car (backseat). I may or may not have had to go to the car to look for a pair of earrings. Did I bring the jewelry inside with me? No. SO WHAT!

So what if I got emotional during the election coverage last night. United we stand is pretty powerful. 

So what if I haven't started on any of my focus items outlined on my board for this week at work.
So What Wednesday


  1. hahahaha I used to HATE unexpected work projects! HELLO! I have a blog to write! How dare you ask me to work!?

  2. I totally wouldn't cook if I didn't have a fridge...totally legit! and, people I work with always interupt my blogging too, seriously?!

    new follower here! :)

  3. Yes, no fridge is a legit excuse. So is the rain, snow, too nice outside, working late, getting off work early, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. :)

  4. I like your Wednesday theme. And the fridge is absolutely a valid excuse!
