Monday, February 18, 2013

Roller Coasters

Oh you know - another weekend at the ole theme park of life riding those emotional roller coasters! Woo hoo!

In other news - I'll be moving farther away from the theme park in about 2 weeks and then hopefully I can choose when I want to ride that oh so fun emotional roller coaster of ridiculousness.

Anyways - as far as weekends go I don't have much to re-cap. I ate a LOT of pasta - it feels like every meal was pasta, and it was soo good!

It was super cold here in the ole FL.

This morning I decided to wear 4 layers to deal with the 43 degrees - don't mind me. And no, I'm not counting crazy eyes as a layer, though I clearly should.

Premier Jewelry party on Friday night - first time going to one of those at home party things. It was ok - spent way too much money on two necklaces but had a weird sense of obligation. Anyways...

Decided to go for a drinky drink on Sunday and sit on the patio but FL girls can't hang so we took it to a classier locale (and warmer) and went the wine and cheese route. I clearly decided to capture the moment after we devoured most of the cheese.

Randomly - this is the backdrop on my phone currently. I read it over and over and feel like after last weeks  near meltdown this should help...I'll be scouring Pinterest for more words to get me through my week. Feel free to share.

Oh and I don't think I've mentioned my Valentine's day date with this handsome little man...please ignore the top right side of this picture.

I am obsessed with my nephews in case you haven't gotten the memo.

Ok - well that's my weekend filled with other random facts in order to not make me sound like the ball of fun I have been lately. 

Have an amazing week, will ya?


  1. I always feel like I need to buy something at in-home demos. Always.

    It is so so so cold here today, I can't even walk at lunch like I've been doing.

  2. Love your blog, new follower!!

    Follow back here!

  3. That has been our normal weather here lately, I'm definitely not a fan. I'm wishing for some 80 degree weather haha! I think we got down to 18 degrees last month, BRR!
    Stopping by from This Weekend I... ♥

  4. I really love that iPhone background, such a good message! Thanks for linking up doll!

  5. Cold! Aren't you funny :)? It has been 15 here in the mornings. Love your phone background too.
