Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Brain Dump Tuesday

Junior Achievement 
Volunteering for them tomorrow morning, bright and early to help teach Kindergartners how to save money and recognize coins and plant gardens. All very relevant topics, if you ask me. The best part is the big bag of activities I get to do with them. Below is my lesson plan and if you've met me, OMG this is like Christmas. Stickers and pop up banks and snack time, oh my. :) 

Well, Ms. Kathleen has stepped up her game again. She's incorporating furniture into her doorscapes. Time to step up my game and come up with something for my door at the old folks home condo. Let's be honest, probably will be a monogrammed Christmas wreath and will still be more homey than the inside of our current disaster condo.

The Library
When I'm within walking distance both at WORK and at HOME from the Library - there is no excuse for it to more expensive for me than buying books. At least then I wouldn't be paying for books that I have to give back before I read. Yes, I have a library app - judge away. See that CURRENT BALANCE. Every time...unreal. 

Cheap Nail Polish
It's $1.99 for a reason and oh by the way, if Target has two BUCKETS full of the same color marked down 3 times, there is a reason. Trust that. Feeling like grinding off the calluses on your feet? No. Let me help. Look at this lovely PUMICE green color. Either way, I'm rocking it.

Honey Baked Ham Cafe
For some reason JM is obsessed with you but our relationship is over. I cannot handle the chip Nazi women that work there hoarding all the good chips under the counter and then when I sit down I see you take the basket from under the counter and put TWO bags in the basket. NO. Plus who eats plain Sun Chips? Homey don't play that. Honey Baked Ham Cafe, meet Firehouse - they are a CHIP BROTHEL. Learn.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post in so many ways - JA, the door "competition", the library fees (so me) and the purchasing things at clearance to realize WHY they are there.
