Another weekend has come and gone and I'm trying to drink enough coffee to forget that it's Monday and that I have a training scheduled at lunchtime. UGH.
Friday night I got an impromptu call from JM that we'd been asked if his bro and SIL could redeem a babysitting coupon (duh, cute Christmas idea, didn't know they'd use them). So we were planning on babysitting until 10 and then maybe go our for a drink and darts or something, howeverrrr I was sleeping on their couch when they got home so I party pooped the H out of that one. Look at these cuties.
JM always wants to have a calendar full of stuff do on the weekend, and quite frankly there are weekends I don't want to leave the couch or get dressed in public acceptable clothing. This was one of them. We had gotten the FRIDGE and I wanted to GROCERY SHOP and cook and watch trashy tv.
Needless to say we had work calling him every 5 minutes from 5 a.m. onward and then we decided to walk downtown to Carols in the Park. We live close enough to do that now and we THOUGHT it wasn't too hot to get some physical activity in OUTSIDE. It wasn't too hot to talk, just too hot to eat our GYRO in the beating down sun. Almost died. Delicious but still have onion breath.
We then came back and watched a thrilling lifetime move - WIN and then went grocery shopping. I already have a hard time with grocery shopping. (yes, I'm sure they have meds for that) But after not going for months and months and then wanting to make everything on the planet, and then having JM there...We get into more fights at the grocery store, I swear - pretty sure I was yelling - "DO you want to make me happy or do you want to breakup" mid salad dressing isle regarding his desire to buy Cheez Its. Also, it took me 8.5 minutes to pick out salad dressing. I need a horse tranquilizer before I go next time.
Took this picture because I feel like I have superior bagging skills and if I bring you 3 reusable bags, I'm going to need you to maximize that space and not give me plastic bags. COME ON PEOPLE.
Anyways - I have a "I don't cook on shopping days" rule (lazy B) so we had Publix chicken, mmmm.
Sunday - I didn't leave the house, not even to do laundry because John decided to go to work and I was punishing him. Totally normal. I did cook and eat at home all day for the first time in MONTHS. I got to watch RHOM and RHOBH and Catfish, not sure if anyone has caught onto that train wreck yet on MTV. I then watched Craigslist Killer which I had an inappropriate reaction to and then after making SGHETTI we watched A Few Good Men, lovely flick.
Whose nominating me for the lazy B award? Sunday was my favorite day. Shocker. :)
Now onto a week full of fun!
Work is going to be hellacious I've got goals out of the arse to meet in the next month along with a social calendar that's filling up. Don't be jealous.
- Wednesday, HAVEN CHRISTMAS PARTY. Our neighbor told us that usually this includes a man on an organ and free labor for decorating the Christmas Tree, I'll be pre-gaming with Champs in the condo fo sho!
- Friday, Aprons. Awesome event every year I go to with people from work in conjunction with our young professionals group. Wine pairing and cooking demonstration and open bar. mmhmm.
- Saturday, young child's birthday party - John said to me last night "I can just drop off the present and hang out for a little." I asked why I wasn't invited and then he asked me to be honest with myself and consider what my Friday night looks like.
I love a lot of things about this post. I am always the party pooper on a Friday night.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE gyros and want one right now.
And who doesn't love being a lazy B? I think that's going to be me this coming Sunday.