Thursday, March 28, 2013

Rant Thursday.

Why do I go through such bi-polar organizational periods in my life. Some days I will make a list for everything and it will be pretty and have hearts and be color coded and I will CHECK. SHIT. OFF. and then other days I have messy half-assed lists that really lead me nowhere productive. I need some consistency. I have all of these things swimming around in my head that need to get done and I'm unable to get them in my cute green notebook. WHAT THE HELL.

WHY can't I find a super cute ornate frame or 6 to complete the 13 crafts projects I have in my mind and think about everyday but can't complete because I can't find them (for $1).

Oh, let's now go with WHY do I have unrealistic expectations about EVERYTHING all the time. Expectations only do one thing - DISAPPOINT you and piss you off. Everyone knows that. Why do I keep playing the expectation lottery, is there a 12 step program for that? If so - let me know. I'm hoping it's on a patio somewhere with live music and wine.

WHY doesn't money grow on trees? <--- Lame, I know. Budgeting is kinda fun and exciting and quite a new thing for me. 

Ok - I'm going to make a HARD CORE list and if I don't post it tomorrow BERATE me for being such a slacker and never following through with anything I complain about. 

Now that was fun, eh?

                                                 Source: Uploaded by user via Elizabeth on Pinterest

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