Wednesday, March 27, 2013

So to the What

So what ..... if I have library books in my car that were due 3 weeks ago that I could renew with an app on my phone attached to my hand at all times but am NOT doing it and also NOT returning them even though the library is visible from my window at work (almost)

So what ..... if my pants keep getting tighter even though I have been going to the gym. Maybe I'm only making it twice a week but COME ON that's way better than what I've been doing for the last yearrrr!

So what ..... if I am basically surviving off of Bagel Bites. They are $1.89, only 400 calories and delicious and fast. 

So what ..... if I'm still not unpacked because I'm waiting on some new furniture that I'll buy when I catch up and all my money isn't going to pay rent anymore, oh wait...I need a raise STAT.

So what ..... if I'm obsessed with my nephews. 


So what ..... if I can NOT delegate if you paid me, I take it all on and then stress out because I can't keep up. 

So what ..... if I can't live without Super Soul Sunday on the OWN network. Seriously, if you haven't see the two part Brene Brown series, you're missing out. This is life changing stuff guys.  Also - this is where I first learned of the Four Agreements - just saying...

So what ..... if my to do list is 12 miles long and I'm so what'ing it up on my blog. 

So what ..... if I turn 30 next week. My 30's will rock, that's what everyone keeps telling me and I'm choosing to believe them. 

And on that note....I'm out!
So What Wednesday


  1. Oh, I like this! I'm doing it too. :)

    Happy early birthday!

  2. 30 has been the best year ever!! <3 you!

  3. My 30s have been totally awesome. I know yours will be too!

    Bagel bites - we've had them twice this week.

  4. Oh girl 30 ain't so bad! I hear that the 30s are the best! I'm excited about this part of life!
