Wednesday, April 3, 2013


My birthday was nothing short of amazing, EVEN though I had to work. 

Tons of love from friends and family to start the day and TWO special deliveries at the office to get us started. The below pictures do neither any justice AT all!

Exhibit A - "30 for my 30th"


During the day I had an EMERGE P2P event at one of the local career academies. Let me just say that my obsession with these academies is creepy. I LOVE THEM, I asked 3294 questions and tried to get a job during the two hour span. I'm so inspired by the tangible results they see in kids who attend them and grateful for the opportunities that the county is providing for so many kids regardless of their demographic or status. LOVE! Ok done. 

When I got back to the office I got the ultimate sign that my 30's would be amazing. :)

After a hectic afternoon in the office JM met me at my place for dinner at "the birthday place" also known as Texas Cattle. It was by far the best experience I've ever had there. The food, and we're talking every bite (and there were a lot of them), was AMAZING!! Will have to workout for 6 weeks to make up for that meal but it was amazing. I wish I would have taken more pictures but I only got this one...

I also got two of the books I desperately wanted from my obsessive Super Soul Sunday watching.

The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer


Daring Greatly by Brene Brown who I am also obsessed with.

Can't wait to start reading and highlighting and underlining in these bad boys! 

Time to catch up on some serious to do items today at work. Peace out.


  1. Those flowers are so nice!! What a great surprise! Sounds like an awesome birthday. All the best! :)

  2. oh looks like a great day! happy birthday to you! may your year be amazing.

    xoxo, Amy @ Interpret As You May

  3. OH happy birthday!!!!! i am totally jealous of you just barely turning 30! i've got a milestone coming up this year too and i don;t even want to talk about it. i'll probably be hiding under a rock ;) you handled it well! and that ladybug? totally a harbinger of the awesome decade to come!!! happy happy!!
